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Exactly how to make converting affiliate landing pages

7 Mins read

Landing pages are personalized pages, created with the particular interests of a target visitor in mind. With a particular landing page, you are able to adapt the client experience, providing impatient customers with exactly the information they need to verify.

The process of directing the clients and guiding them to perform an expected action is simplified much more thanks to landing pages. This brings with it a growth in conversions and goes a long way towards improving the overall user involvement.

There are two kinds of landing pages that every single marketer should understand:

  • Pre-Landers: It is a site that is displayed just before a real offer.
  • Lead Generation Landing Pages: These are designed with the specific objective of obtaining personal information about a specific client or potential client.

Tools used to create landing pages

There are varieties of different tools that you can access to create landing pages. The following is a short list of the best:  

  • Thrive
  • Landingi
  • Unbounce
  • Instapage
  • Leadpages

With any of these tools you can get good results.

Employ a qualified professional

If you do not possess the skills required to create an excellent landing page, the best would be to hire someone who can help you with that process. You can get good inexpensive professionals to lean on that part. We recommend using Fiverr, which is one of the world’s largest independent platforms for landing page designs, to make your job even easier.

Define your goal

The purpose that you intend to achieve is a crucial aspect to keep in mind when creating a web design landing page. The first step in beginning the landing page design process is to fully understand who your client is. Then you must make sure you identify what your users must be doing while on the landing page. Next, it is the moment to make a page that stimulates users, making sure they are motivated they actually convert.

Suppose you want your users to give you their email, that is the information you expect to get from them, because you are the type of affiliate marketer who perceives the importance of having a user database. Imagine that you will give your customers a free book in return and they will give you the information you want. Remember that people are usually very careful about disclosing their confidential information. In order for the user to willingly disclose their personal information in order to obtain their free book, you must eliminate any type of resistance that users have regarding what they need to give up to obtain the product.

To remove fear from your customers, you must understand who those people are, what they are currently looking for, and why they want their free book in the first place. This is the right way on how to create the best conversion landing pages.

Identifying your audience

In this type of business, we must adapt our landing page strategy for the public. If you know the needs and desires of your audience, this is key to success. After having made an intensive study and analysis of your audience, you will discover this and you will know how to better attend a landing page that meets the needs of your audience.

We are sure that you will have good results in your conversions if after knowing the needs of your market; you create an attractive landing page for your audience that provides them exactly what they need. Remember that you will get more conversions if you know the numbers, the statistics and you have all the information required to target your campaign to those specific clients who will definitely convert.

The power of your copy

The power of your copy is one of the most decisive factors that will help you create highly creative, high-conversion landing pages. Learn from diverse landing page copy courses.

You must improve your writing skills; you have to develop the ability to create compelling but decisive sentences that motivate users to click. It is important for you to understand how necessary it is to write persuasive sentences that use the extraordinary power of emotional force and logical reasoning for users to click.

Additionally, you should educate yourself on the use of proven landing page copy methods to help you keep your copy goals focused on the specific wants and needs of your target audience.

Measure the success of a landing page

Take a look at three interesting metrics that help you measure the success of a landing page in affiliate marketing, you should always keep in mind these measures when creating a landing page: Bounce Rate , Conversion Rate and Time on Page.

Bounce Rate  

This is one extremely important metric, which many people overlook, because they think that this measure is not relevant at all. It is wrong to think that this measure is useless, just as it is wrong to think that this metric allows you to perceive that your landing page is not so attractive and therefore your page is not doing what it is intended to do.

Sometimes the bounce rate can be wrong, because it does not differentiate a user who reached the landing page and bounced right away, from that other user who found the landing page and stayed for a while, analyzed the proposal and then left. If a user reaches your landing page and spends several minutes analyzing, then we have a great sign. Maybe your landing page may not be something great or magnificent, but somehow it managed to capture the user’s attention for a certain time.

To ensure you get an accurate bounce rate, you must determine a minimum number of minutes that a given user spends trapped on your landing page before converting. If, for example, most of your conversions happen only three and a half minutes after the user visits your landing page. These visits, which would be classified as rebounds and would have a negative effect on your bounce rate, will no longer be.

If you want a special trick, which will help you calibrate this metric to get a very accurate bounce rate to help you notice how your landing page is doing, you can efficiently implement a setting in your Analytics code. This arrangement will make an event after the user who visited your page has passed a certain number of minutes.

Conversion Rate

This is the metric that everyone is interested in, it is the most significant measure when it comes to landing pages. If you have a high conversion rate, this means that you have been able to create landing page history.

It is important to know that in Google Analytics, it can spoil your conversion rate data; this is because the conversion rate in Analytics is not really calculated based on the number of unique visitors, but taking into account the number of visits. Remember that not all visits made to your landing page will convert. What the client decides may arise after the person enters your page after a few more visits. Customers look, analyze, think and research before choosing your offer. By this, we mean that the clients can return to your page several more times before they choose your offer.

It is because of this that the use of unique visitors will certainly provide you with a more accurate understanding of the user’s shopping journey. As a result, you can adjust your strategy and be able to better measure the success of your landing page.

Time on page

You cannot believe in Google Analytics when it comes to determining the time on page. This is because if a user views your landing page and stays there for a while, he actually completes an expected goal on that page and then leaves the site, Analytics will record that particular time spent on the page as 0:00 disappointing.

One tool you can trust to know this metric is Google’s Event Tracking API. Simply insert the JavaScript code for Track Event. With this, you will be able to record when a visitor is on a page, because the code is enabled every 10 seconds.

Worry about the speed of your landing pages

The speed of your landing pages is very important. The cyber world is packed with impatient users who have many different varieties of landing pages to check in addition to yours, users want your landing page to be as fast as possible. A slow page can bring less visits to your page, loss of conversions, and dissatisfied users.

You can visit Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom or GT Metrix, these tools will allow you to test the speed of your landing page in a very efficient way.

Always use a respectable hosting service

Something that improves your experience is to use a good hosting service like Hostgator or Bluehost. Never use solutions that go through shared server space, as this will significantly affect your performance.

Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)

You must use a CDN to deliver images. This will allow you to be sure that the effort required to effectively deliver content from the server to a client’s browser will be improved.

Optimize your images

Modifying the size of your images is something important in the experience of your landing page. Never neglect this, it is vital, because this trick effectively accelerates your entire site. You can help yourself with the use of some free image compression tools such as TinyJPG or Compressor.io. If you are a fan of WordPress, you can choose EWWW or WP Smush.

Use a small amount of redirects

You need to have a reduced number of redirects; this will have a positive impact on the loading speed of your landing page. The best-known tool to check for redirects included on a website is Screaming Frog.

Reduce HTML & CSS time

Reducing both CSS and HTML will permit you to package and deliver the data on a page as quickly as technologically possible. To do this, you must insert your URL in Google PageSpeed Insights and then follow the indicated steps.

Reduce the use of plugins

We really appreciate WordPress plugins; we do not know what would become of us without them. However, it really is hard to say that we require getting rid of these helpful helpers.

You must do a full review and make a decision regarding this: significant plugins must remain; irrelevant plugins have to be removed.

We hope that all tips that we share with you today will help you implement the use of the tools that we recommend, understand the importance of the metrics found in Google Analytics and the Google event tracking API.

We recommend that you keep in touch with our blog and our publications on social networks so that you would be always updated on the best recommendations and practices of landing pages.

Remember that at AdsLeading we are a great team and we will help you succeed always!

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Master degree in management and productivity, Social Media Professional. We are a group of highly skilled people who discovered few years ago, the mobile business.
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